hi! this is sny and i'm a digital artist. let's breathe life to your imagination


For more enquiries, do not hesitate to contact me through any of my socials or email provided below this page.

GENERAL TERMS- I will do anything as long as it is not something hateful. Fan Art, Original Characters (OCs), Dungeons & Dragons (DND), Stickers, Furry/Anthro, NSFW, Gore, Mecha — anything under the sun, you name it, I will do my best to draw it for you.- All the styles that I presented here are all that I offer. If you wish for me to replicate an existing style from a mainstream media (e.g. Adventure Time, Naruto, Studio Ghibli, Disney, etc.) I will charge additional fees depending on the complexity of the piece. I will NOT imitate an independent artist's style.- I will be working with a queuing system; first come, first serve basis. I will tell you your place on the schedule and I will let you know if it's your turn. If you wish to be prioritized, a priority fee of 75% of your order's total (Base + Additional fees) price will be charged. Priority fee will only be offered once there is currently no prioritized client or if the last prioritized customer's order have been accomplished. Should there be a conflict with another buyer who also want to be prioritized over you or you want to retain your priority over other customers, I will charge a flat VIP fee of 100USD (5500 PHP).- Sending references and detailed descriptions for the piece you wanted done is very much encouraged. It can be from Google, Pinterest, a portfolio, or even your own sketch. It shouldn't matter if you think it doesn't look good; that's what I am here for :) We'll work it out together! These things will help me understand what you need and make the process smoother for the both of us.- Communicate. Make sure to keep in touch with me to better see the progress of the commissioned piece. Because I'm still in university, I don't have the luxury of time so let's not waste each other's. Guaranteed that I will be honest about the status of your commission should I fail to deliver on our agreed date. However, I unfortunately cannot offer refunds so if you wish for the delays on my part to be reimbursed, I can only do so with services equal to at least 50% of the base price.- Up to two (2) major revisions are only allowed during the sketching and color-blocking phase each while three (3) minor revisions for each phase until the final render. For the whole commission process, refer here. It is to my discretion what I will consider major or minor — if it is something I can do for just under an hour, MINOR; if not, MAJOR. Any major OR minor revisions past the final render will incur additional charges equating to 75% of the base price.- My standard rates only apply to CHARACTER ILLUSTRATION (May it be a portrait of a real person, an original character, or a fan-art) with either a simple background or completely without a background and all my prices are based per finished piece. If you're looking for a full illustration with background (e.g. concept art), I charge a base price of 200 USD (11000 PHP).- Normally my turnaround time (TAT) takes 1-2 weeks depending on my availability to finish the commission. However, I also offer an hourly rate of 12 USD/hr (660 PHP/hr) if you wish to have your commission finished in less than a week.- I reserve the right to showcase your finished commission piece on my social media platforms and portfolio with my watermark as part of my promotional materials. If you prefer that your commission not be posted, please inform me in advance.- My job is to just draw/make/create what you requested. I will NOT be held responsible should you get in trouble for copyrighted and trademarked materials such as logos, characters, etc.- You can not use ANY of my art for NFT nor sell it for NFT purposes regardless if it is a private commission or a commercial one.- I have the rights to reject a commission if the deadline is too short for a complicated piece, if it goes against any of my Terms of Service, if the client won't cooperate properly and/or is hard to deal with, or if I am not available for commissions..・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.COPYRIGHTS - PRIVATE COMMISSIONSPrivate commissions are pieces requested by private individuals, the government, or enterprises tailored to their specific needs or preferences. The artwork is not intended for public display** and is typically created for personal use or as a gift.*With this, you are allowed to:
- *Use the commissioned artwork for social media. You can post your commissioned illustration from me as long as I am credited as the artist
- Make personal merchandises or any physical manifestation of the piece for yourself as long as it is NOT intended to be sold
However, you are NOT allowed to:
- Claim, edit, trace, copy, or modify my works or commission other artists to claim, edit, trace, copy, or modify my works in any way, shape, or form without my consent
- Use the commissioned piece to train AI models and algorithms
- Monetize the commissioned piece through any means
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.COPYRIGHTS - COMMERCIAL COMMISSIONSCommercial commissions refer to artworks created with the understanding that it will be used for commercial purposes, such as in but not limited to advertising, branding, or product packaging with the intention of gaining profit. The resulting artwork is then owned by the client, who may use it as they see fit within the artist's Terms of Service..・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.PAYMENT- I'll be using PayPal and GCash as payment methods.- Payments have to be in 50-50 installments to ensure the security of both the artist and client. 50% for me to start with the sketch (Note: I won't start the sketch if I don't receive payment first) and 50% before I send the final piece.- Do NOT send any payment before I accept the commission. If there is a queue, you have to wait for your turn.- As much as I appreciate a full-payment at once, I strongly recommend NOT to do it. If you are really sure about it, you may do so but note that it will NOT affect the commission process in any way.- Tips are greatly appreciated but are not necessary so don't feel pressured to give tips if you can't.- Note that the base price can be lowered through negotiation IF the piece is simple enough to accomplish. I'm willing to lower the price if it won't be a hassle for me to do.- STRICTLY NO REFUNDS WHATSOEVER. Hence, I don't endorse upfront full-payments.Additional fees include but are not limited to:
Complexity (Dependent)
Imitation of other MAINSTREAM style (Dependent)
Additional Characters (+75% of Base Price)
Dynamic Background and Foreground (+40 USD)
Additional Revisions (+75% of the Base Price)
Source File in PSD (+50 USD)
Multiple Versions (Dependent)
Priority (+75% of Total Price)
VIP (+100 USD)
Copyrights for Commercial Use (75% of Total Price)
- At the instance that a commission fails and the client was not satisfied with the final result, I have the rights to keep the 50% downpayment and sell the piece. However, the latest version of the piece that was approved by the client from all the phases before the final render will be delivered for the client to utilize BUT note that all of my Terms of Service still apply.

By commissioning a piece from me, you acknowledge that you have read and fully understood these Terms of Service. Failure to comply will result to immediate cancellation of commission.


Mabuhay! Ciao! Hello!
The name is Sny, a 21 year-old freelance artist in the Philippines.
I'm a broke university student in his third year trying to make ends meet. Oh, and I'm also occassionally an artist who likes drawing people <3